Class 67

Yasmine is 19 years old and is from Alabama. She says that God told her Mom to move to Charlotte, and she listened. She is grateful that they moved to Charlotte because there was a lot of violence where she lived in Alabama, and there are more opportunities here. She would not be who she is today if they had stayed. Yasmine likes to bake, so when there was a culinary program offered at Yasmine’s high school, she took that opportunity. After she graduated, she still wanted to cook, but she wanted to be the “real deal,” so she looked up culinary schools and saw CCSC. Her boyfriend’s Mom had referred her to CCSC before, so she knew that it was a legitimate school. She has really enjoyed the School’s teaching schedule and that it goes straight to the point. Before she started, she appreciated the quick 14-week schedule, but now that she’s here, she wishes it were longer. After she graduates, she wants to open her own bakery called “Sweets by Yas,” and become a professional cake decorating artist. In the meantime, she’s happy to continue baking and selling her treats through her Instagram account. Welcome to Class 67, Yasmine!