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Class 67

Tomisin is originally from Nigeria and moved to Charlotte about eleven years ago. She and her husband have 4 kids, ranging from 9 years old to 8 months. She was a practicing nurse, but her love of cooking kept drawing her towards the restaurant industry. She grew up with six brothers, so she says that it felt like her Mother was always cooking. Now, Tomisin is always cooking for own family parties. Her friends and family were constantly telling her that she should start her own catering company. It was with their support that she decided to go into the culinary field. Tomisin was taking the Serv Safe class, when she saw that a group of students all seemed to all know each other. Being curious about them, she started asking them who they were and what they were all doing together. The students were eager to tell her that they attended CCSC, and they encouraged her to apply if she was interested as well. She immediately Googled CCSC and knew she wanted to attend. She has loved learning more about American cuisine. She can’t wait to continue creating sauces, making pastas and perfecting her knife skills. Welcome to Class 67, Tomisin!