Class 63

Sandra is originally from Trinidad, where she worked as a trainer at the National Centre for Persons with Disabilities. She relocated to New York in 1994 and then to Charlotte in 2003. Growing up, cooking was a big influence on Sandra and her siblings. They began helping their mother in the kitchen at a young age, and today both of Sandra’s sisters own a restaurant and catering company. Sandra has always shared their passion for cooking but was never able to pursue it. Two years ago, she was working at Wells Fargo when her husband was diagnosed with throat cancer. She left her job to care for him and began cooking on the side to help pay the bills. She was exploring cooking schools online when she came across CCSC’s website. She read the alumni success stories and loved the way that many students started at the bottom and rose to success with help from the School. It was those success stories that encouraged her to apply, Sandra has enjoyed learning all the different techniques, such as knife skills, prepping and how to properly poach an egg. She is also excited to be doing an internship with an assisted living facility. Sandra has four children and nine grandkids, and she believes she has been successful so far because “I know where I’m going – and that’s forward!”