STUDENT SPOTLIGHT – Sandra, Class 61
In 2015, a young mother was working at a steady paying job. And then, with one snap decision – she found herself jobless, homeless, and out of opportunities. The young mother is Sandra – a Class 61 student. Today, with the help of a scholarship from Assistance League Charlotte and CCSC’s Workforce Training program, Sandra has hope for her and her family.
Sandra came to Charlotte and worked in customer service and retail jobs to support her and her first born child. When she had her second child, Sandra worked at Best Buy, where she remained employed for ten years. With the possibility of a promotion, there were no road blocks for Sandra. Until, an unwise decision was made that changed the course of her life.
Staffing agencies and unemployment offices had limited options to offer her due to her legal trouble. Three years later, Sandra still didn’t have a place to call home for her family. She has slept in her car, bounced from couches and motels, yearning to take control of her path again. It was by chance that she stumbled upon a flyer for CCSC at social services. When she met Victor, CCSC’s staff counselor, he assured her CCSC would give her solutions and not shut the door on her.
Sandra says that since she became a student of Class 61, she “takes pride in learning the fundamentals to advanced skills.” Her goal is to follow through and dedicate herself to finishing our Workforce Development Training program; and gain confidence in herself and her capabilities. Sandra looks forward to graduating and having a steady job in the culinary field. She especially desires a stable home for her family.
Sandra displays perseverance, determination and maturity. It gives us joy to be helping her on her path to self-sufficiency and a good life for her and her children!