Class 70
Matthew grew up in East Charlotte and is currently working at FedEx. His family is full of great cooks, but they do not have a professional background in it. He eventually wants to earn the title of “The Best Cook in the Family.” While FedEx is a great place to work, he wants to turn his cooking and baking into a viable business. Cooking has always been a stress reliever for Matthew, so when he heard about CCSC from his mom, he thought it sounded like a good opportunity. When he first enrolled, he was very skeptical and a little anxious about the whole experience because it’s never been like anything he’s done before. But after being at the School and in the kitchen with professional Chefs for a few weeks now, he can see that he’s developing his skills every week. He’s enjoyed the hands-on experience and the good people. After he graduates, Matthew wants to sell his baked goods via social media to his family, friends, and coworkers. After he gets more comfortable with it, he hopes to expand his customer base to everyone on his social media.