Class 72

“If you feel like you can’t do it, you can. Just do it.” Born and raised in Long Island, NY, Kenneth moved to Charlotte, NC, after graduating high school in 2020 to try and figure out his life. He loves food and loves being in the kitchen and is focused on creating his own path in the culinary world. To Kenneth, family is everything. He grew up cooking alongside his grandmother, who he credits with inspiring him and giving him the love for the field he has today. He also has four siblings, of which he is aspiring to be closer to every day. He wants to provide for them and make them proud. When asked about what advice he would give to future students, he said “to work hard and never give up.” Kenneth believes that “you gotta do what you gotta do” to make what you want happen. Whether it’s with family or food, Kenneth has the love and motivation needed to keep us going.